Quick overview:
Anyone who has ever lost data knows the pain: photos, videos, documents....these can be beautiful memories or critical business data. But your data is not always really lost. With a bit of luck, you can recover it. However, you will need a professional data recovery program to do this. In this test, we introduce you to FonePaw Data Recovery, which can recover important data.
Deleted data is not immediately lost
If data has also been deleted from the recycle bin, there is still a chance that you can recover it. Why? Data is not completely deleted from the hard disk, only the references to it. The actual data is then no longer visible in Windows, but from a technical point of view it can be overwritten. This means that if you install programs, games, files or more, the previously deleted data can be overwritten.
In plain language: The longer it has been since the accidental deletion, the lower the chances of recovery. You should therefore stop working with the device immediately and install a data recovery program such as Fonepaw Data Recovery.
Overview: Fonepaw Data Recovery
The interface of the Fonepaw software is very clearly laid out: There are clear menu entries for the most important data, such as images or documents:
Of course, you can also scan the entire hard disk, an external hard disk or an SD card or USB stick manually.
Depending on the size of the hard disk, the process can take several hours: In the test, a 512 GB hard disk was completed within 45 minutes. A very good value.
Quality of data recovery
Now to the most important point: Was it really possible to recover all the data? The good news: Yes! In the test, we deliberately deleted 200 photos, 100 documents and 10 videos with a total size of 11 gigabytes.
All files could be restored in the test run.
In another test, we tried Fonepaw on an old PC whose hard disk had been in use for several weeks. Here we were able to recover around half of the previously deleted data. We also particularly liked the recovery of emails: While other programs often fail here and emails are not readable, Fonepaw was able to reconstruct them flawlessly.
Important: Fonepaw naturally warns you that you should not restore data to the same hard disk.
In some cases, you can also reconstruct the correct path using the path list. For example, if data under C:My DocumentsPhotos has been lost, you can also find it directly under this path using Fonepaw. Detailed instructions for Data recovery under Windows 10 can be found in this step-by-step guide.
Fonepaw does not have many options: There is the possibility to perform a quick scan or a very thorough scan. The quick scan is completed after just a few minutes. By the way, this way you can also Repairing USB sticks.
Fonepaw recovers your data safely and reliably. Even if the deletion was a while ago, the chances are not bad that you will be able to recover it. It's even a little cheaper than the competition: at €34.95 for a single user license, it's sometimes significantly cheaper than other programs, such as Disk Drill (€99).

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