Quick overview:
After "Treshhold 2", the second package with many enhancements is now on its way: the "Anniversary Update". A beta version of the Windows updates already gives an idea of all the new functions that await the user.
What's new with Cortana and Windows Ink
In addition to many optimizations and bug fixes, the beta version of Cortana shows the first changes: The search assistant now plays songs from the "Groove Music" catalog on demand if you have a paid subscription to the service. She now also helps in the kitchen and can be used as a timer when cooking. Some functions have also been added to the "Windows Ink" pen input function: For example, handwritten notes can now be used as Cortana reminders and can be opened in other programs - for example as an email address in the Mail app. A compass has also been added, which has been integrated into the new ruler to ensure optimal alignment. However, these features are currently only available in the USA.
Optimized start menu
Microsoft has also further improved the Start menu in Windows 10: all previously separate views of the most frequently used apps and installed applications are now shown in one list. After opening the Start menu, you are presented with a scrollable list of all applications that does not have to be clicked on separately. Links to important services or folders, such as "Settings" or "Downloads", can now be found in the left-hand column. Which links and folders should appear in the Start menu can be set in the Windows settings "Start" and "Personalizations". The result of these new features is a much tidier appearance that prioritizes programs and apps.
Extended recording feature for gamers
Gamers will be pleased to hear that six more games can now be recorded in full-screen mode using the Game DVR function. These are "Dota 2", "World of Warcraft", "League of Legends", "Battlefield 4", "Counterstrike - Global Offensive" and "Diablo 3". Pressing the "Windows" plus "G" key combination activates Game DVR in the game. Another new feature concerns the internal virus protection program Windows Defender. It can now be used in addition to another virus protection program.
Article image from the Microsoft press area at news.microsoft.com

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