Quick overview:
Windows phones and tablets have numerous advantages that are highly appreciated by their users. Of course, the operating system also has its disadvantages. Many buyers see the biggest difference to products such as the iPhone or various Android tablets in the availability of apps and the general structure of the operating system. Microsoft Stores. But how does Microsoft really compare to Apple and Google? We took a close look at all three!
Requirements for a good store
In order to make a realistic comparison, we first need to clarify what really makes a good store. First and foremost, of course, is the range of products that users can use. Which apps and other products are in the store and how quickly can you find what you are looking for? Detailed information about apps must also be available to make the user's decision easier. If an app has in-app purchases, for example, this can be a decisive criterion for using it. When downloading an app, it must also be listed exactly which accesses the program requires and which rights must be granted. Data protection is an important issue here and goes beyond the granting of rights, as personal data should also be carefully protected by the stores, as this is sensitive data such as credit card numbers. Last but not least, a right of return for paid games is also welcome.
How does the Microsoft Store perform?
The store for Windows Phones and tablets has not yet been able to assert itself against its competitors - but what is not yet can still be. Microsoft is strong in the area of data protection and the detailed descriptions of many apps also make a good impression. Compared to the Google Play Store or Apple's App Store, however, the offer is the biggest shortcoming so far. Although the Microsoft Store already has countless apps and all major providers such as Instagram, Facebook, Amazon and others have also produced their own version for Windows, there is still a lack of choice in some areas. The lack of a right of return is also annoying for some users. For these reasons, the Microsoft Store performs somewhat worse than the giants Google and Apple. On the positive side, however, you can see a steady development that seems unstoppable. In addition, the Windows devices are of extremely high quality and can therefore score points. With a docking station, a Windows tablet becomes a small computer that can be used with a mouse, keyboard and the like. Of course, the Microsoft Office programs also run brilliantly on it.
How important is the app selection?
In fact, there are now many voices saying that the selection of apps in the Microsoft Store is no longer a major problem. In the gaming sector in particular, many are certain that the hardware is becoming increasingly unimportant. This is partly due to the fact that more and more streaming services for games are appearing on the market that can be played on numerous different devices, but also because more and more excellent browser games are being developed that can be started on a laptop and continued later in the mobile browser on a smartphone. This opens up new possibilities. Numerous online games are offered in the browser, including strategy games such as Forge of Empires or MMORPGs like Raid Shaddow Legends. Online casinos have also experienced a strong boom and offer numerous games on one platform. The William Hill Internet Casino has a large selection of slot games, but also offers classic card games such as poker and blackjack. If you want to immerse yourself even more in the gaming experience, you can play with a real croupier via the live casino. The platform can also be easily opened in the mobile browser, replacing a wide range of gaming apps in one fell swoop.
The Microsoft Store cannot yet take pole position in direct comparison with Apple and Google, but is well on its way to the top. However, the high quality of the devices is the most important reason to buy for many customers, because this is where Microsoft really scores.

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