Quick overview:
Anyone who works a lot with a Windows PC may sooner or later be confronted with the error message "Explorer.exe has encountered a problem and needs to be closed". The results of this error can be very different, in the worst case the system hangs completely. If the user has not yet saved their currently open files, this error can result in data loss.
If the PC user now searches the Internet for a suggested solution to the Explorer.exe crash, he will find himself in a veritable jungle of possible causes and solutions. It should therefore be carefully observed whether, for example, certain programs or files are open when Explorer.exe crashes and whether a pattern can be identified behind the Windows Explorer crashes.
I have experienced that the Explorer.exe of my Windows system often simply crashes when I open an unspecified folder and without a specific program running. Recently, I have noticed that this is always the folder in which I have stored various videos and the display of the folder contents was set to "thumbnail view".
I then changed the preview of the corresponding folder under the "View" option and lo and behold, Explorer.exe no longer crashes when I open my video folder! As I still couldn't get my head around the issue, I did a little research into the error message and came across various reports in which Windows users write about the same problem and blame the Xvid video codec. After uninstalling the codec, the error message is said to have never reappeared, but I didn't have to take this step as the problem on my Windows computer had already been resolved after changing the folder view!
Guest article by Andreas S. Further solutions can be found at http://www.techfacts.net/tutorials/explorerexe-hat-ein-problem-festgestellt-und-muss-beendet-werden.

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