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Microsoft Windows Server 2012: Three pillars of a new server era

March 19, 2013
Updated: April 14, 2022
Quick overview:
Photo: Microsoft Deutschland GmbH

(Photo: Microsoft Deutschland GmbH)

Microsoft's Windows Server 2012 leads into a new era, according to the Microsoft Synopsis 2013, which celebrates the server awakening in Darmstadt in April. Windows Server 2012 does indeed contain great features: virtual servers, cloud environments, storage spaces and automated server management bring green IT and cost efficiency together. This benefits small, medium-sized and large companies. WINDOWS TWEAKS presents three cornerstones of the new Windows Server generation.

On April 10 and 11, Microsoft is hosting its major server and cloud conference in Darmstadt. At the Microsoft Synopsis 2013 IT professionals and IT decision-makers are promised insights "into a new era with the latest Microsoft server generation". There will be three conferences in one. But the focus - alongside System Center 2012, SQL Server 2012, Windows Azure, SharePoint 2013 and Exchange Server 2013 - will of course be on Windows Server 2012.

WINDOWS TWEAKS presents three cornerstones of Microsoft Windows Server 2012 in advance (and six months after its release):

1. virtualization - green IT, more security and the cloud with Windows Server

In times of green IT, virtualization is "in". Windows Server 2012 offers with Hyper-V a virtualization platform that allows every company to save costs in IT operations in a simple way.

Instead of using several physical servers, a few machines take over the operation of several virtual servers. Example: The mail server and the ERP software in a medium-sized company simultaneously on a single physical machine. And: In Windows Server 2012, Hyper-V support for host processors and RAM has been significantly improved. Up to 64 processors and 1 TB of RAM can now be used.

With the new Format for virtual hard disks VHDX 64 TB are also supported for the first time. The new VHDX format is also more resistant to errors. As cloud-optimized IT continues to be a relevant topic, Hyper-V also offers support for converting a data center into a cloud environment.

Security is also an issue with Hyper-V: Multi-instance isolation ensures that the virtual machines remain separate from each other, even if they are operated on the same physical network or server.

2. storage spaces - with Windows Server 2012 against the cost pressure

The cost pressure on IT departments is constantly increasing - therefore it is necessary to save, save, save wherever possible. Through Resource poolingA virtualization method makes better use of existing resources. It also protects the environment.

With the help of virtualization, the costs of operating a data center can be reduced enormously.

Microsoft Windows Server 2012 supports data centers with high performance and support for SMB 3.0, which means that expensive SAN devices can often be replaced. The new function Storage Spaces also enables simple and comprehensive virtualization for single-node and scalable multinode storage environments.

3. server management - reach all servers via one interface

IT administrators will be delighted with the simplified server management - and company managers with the time and financial savings. Windows Server 2012 provides an integrated platform for automating and managing data centers. Managing a wide variety of servers - from ERP systems to Sharepoint - is easier than ever.

It makes no difference whether they are located in your own data center or outside. With Windows Server 2012, you can establish connections to all servers via a single interface. These multi-server management tools create greater efficiency and simplified server provisioning.

With Windows PowerShell 3.0, IT administrators have access to over 2,400 cmdlets to automate all tasks. This saves time and money. With improved cmdlet recognition and consistent syntax, PowerShell is easier to use than ever before.

Windows Server 2012 also offers an integrated scripting environment, which enables scripts to be used together, among other things.

Nice to look at: In this advertising graphic, Microsoft presented the new Windows Server in September 2012 (Source:

Sept12WindowsServer2012 Web

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