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Windows 2000 - Installation of programs does not work

November 29, 2013
Updated: December 6, 2021
Quick overview:

When starting the installation of an application such as WebCam Software or O&O Defrag V4, the wizard suddenly stops. The welcome screen either does not let you make a selection (the Next and Cancel buttons cannot be selected or are grayed out) or the setup does not start after the obligatory message InstallShield prepares the... the screen remains blank. You do not get more than the typical hourglass after starting the setup. You can solve the problem as follows:

Option 1: Download and install the Microsoft Installer 2.0which brings the Windows installation routine up to the latest state of the art.

Option 2: The InstallShield routine could also cause problems if applications such as Office have not been uninstalled correctly. In the Registration an incorrect key is stored for canceled de-/installations, which causes problems when called up again. This key must now be corrected:

1. Click on "Start/Execute" and type "regedit" in.

2. Navigate to the key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" and double-click on the entry "recent".

If it is not there, enter the entry "C:\My Documents" (or the path to the My Documents on your computer).

Repeat this step for the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders".

Option 3: Switching off the Windows Installer service by applications or your own interventions can also prevent the installation of programs. Switch it on again as follows:

1. Click on Start/Settings/System control/Administration/Services whereupon you will find the large list of services.

2. Now double-click on the service Windows Installerwhich you will find at the bottom and set its Start type on Automatic.

After a restart, you should be able to install your applications again!

Option 4: Sebastian Clausen informed me that deleting a specific InstallShield folder also solved the installation problem. If files required by the setup do not exist or are damaged or have invalid version numbers, the deleted folder is completely rebuilt by the affected setup - with the correct files. This leads to the desired success:

Open the Explorer the folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield and delete the subdirectory Professional.

Option 5: Mr. Janzen informed me by e-mail that there is another option: The Windows installer can be completely re-integrated into the system or re-registered. And this is what you have to do:

1. Click on Start/Execute and type msiexec /unregister on. You will see an hourglass and hear the hard disk working briefly. The installer is now completely unbound for the time being!

2. Now tap under Execute the command msiexec /regserver to fully integrate MSI back into the system.

I would like to thank everyone who helped and hope that the installation problems are finally a thing of the past!

NOTE FOR NEW PUBLICATION: This article was produced by Sandro Villinger and comes from the Windows Tweaks archive, which has been built up since the late 1990s.

Founded Windows Tweaks as a teenager in the 90s. His helpful PC tricks made it Germany's most visited Windows site (at the time Sandro looked like this). He then went on to write elsewhere, for example for PC-Praxis, Computer Bild and PCWorld in the USA. Microsoft also poached him from us. Now Sandro is back, finally sharing his tweaks here again. For a stress-free digital everyday life. You can reach Sandro via e-mail.

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