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Windows 2000 - The most important patches, updates and bug fixes

November 28, 2013
Updated: April 14, 2022
Quick overview:

Windows 2000 still has many bugs and problems as well as bottlenecks that affect system performance and stability. Microsoft only becomes aware of this after a while and gradually brings out programs (so-called updates) that eliminate the problem. Windows Tweaks now presents the most important updates for your Windows and its components.


Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 - the complete package

Since the release of Windows 2000, a lot has happened in terms of bug fixing and enhancements. Microsoft has now combined all these updates into one large service pack and offers them for download in 125 megabytes. The following updates were released after SP3, which is why you should still download them if required.

Download Service Pack 3

The 1394 Firewire update

Owners of fast Firewire access (external hard disks, cameras...) sometimes have problems with Windows 2000 Professional. The speed drops dramatically. If you have a Firewire card/interface I recommend this update.

Download the file

The new Internet Explorer 6.0

It had its premiere in Windows XP and is also available for Windows 2000. It has been further developed and offers the user increased security, comfort and a faster speed when surfing the Internet. I recommend replacing the existing IE 5.5 with the current 6 version.

Download the file

The latest security update for Internet Explorer 6.0

Even the new IE 6.0 still has a few gaps that resourceful hackers can break through. With the help of this update, these are completely plugged and thus made inaccessible. So that you can protect your data and your system, you should definitely install this patch.

Download the file

Windows can no longer activate devices after hibernation

If you often use the standby mode, which switches off all devices to save energy, you will have noticed that some components, such as modems, no longer work correctly or can no longer be addressed at all. Microsoft has done something about this.

Download the file

VIA AGP chipset - Fix crash in 3D games

Owners of a VIA motherboard may have problems with 3D applications if they use an AGP graphics card. This update fixes the problem.

Download the file

Iomega tools cannot recognize the ZIP drive

If you have connected your ZIP drive to the printer port and it does not want to be recognized, I have the solution for you. Microsoft has released the following patch:

Download the file

STOP error message (blue screen) when accessing the CD-ROM drive

If your Windows crashes when reading a CD-ROM and the message Stop 0x00000050 appears, you should try the following update.

Download the file

I now advise you to read the article The best online programs and great tips.

Enable dial-in via the dial-up network at T-Online

Microsoft shows special service friendliness and offers all T-Online customers detailed instructions so that they too can dial in via the dial-up network - pictures and text help you so that you don't have to use the T-Online software.

Download the file

NOTE FOR NEW PUBLICATION: This article was produced by Sandro Villinger and comes from the Windows Tweaks archive, which has been built up since the late 1990s.

Founded Windows Tweaks as a teenager in the 90s. His helpful PC tricks made it Germany's most visited Windows site (at the time Sandro looked like this). He then went on to write elsewhere, for example for PC-Praxis, Computer Bild and PCWorld in the USA. Microsoft also poached him from us. Now Sandro is back, finally sharing his tweaks here again. For a stress-free digital everyday life. You can reach Sandro via e-mail.

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