Quick overview:
Let's be honest: Do you have a problem or a question? You need a tip? Where do you go with it? Obviously, you ask a friend, buy a PC magazine or search for the information online. Nobody really clicks on "Help" in the operating system itself anymore. The Windows help function has rightly enjoyed a bad reputation in recent years. Is this reputation still justified? [By Sandro Villinger]
The answer is: No! I was very surprised when I recently took a detailed look at the Windows help function: it has been fundamentally revised. Take a look for yourself:
In the start menu, click on "Help and support". In the "Windows basics" section, beginners will find basic information on using the operating system - illustrated instructions or a live wizard that shows you how to proceed will help. In the "Maintenance" advanced users can read more about the security functions such as Windows Update, Windows Defender or User Account Protection.
The "Windows online help" leads to http://windowshelp.microsoft.com/Windows/en-US/default.mspxwhere Microsoft is constantly expanding its help offering. Here you will not only find constantly updated content, but you can also ask professionals questions directly via the newsgroups.
The "Table of contents" provides a comprehensive overview of all the functions and options of Windows Vista. In the section "Troubleshooting" read more about solving problems or running diagnostic functions. The last category "New functions" is primarily aimed at those interested in switching to Windows Vista who would like to find out more about the new features of Windows Vista. You can find more information in the categories "Ask someone" or "Information from Microsoft".
The online help is definitely worth a look for beginners! Professionals may feel a little underchallenged, but may find a nice tip here and there!
Just take a look,
Yours, Sandro Villinger

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