Quick overview:
Since mid-August, "LoveSan", a computer worm also known as "Blaster", has been wreaking havoc in all households and some well-known companies! It exploits a vulnerability in the DCOM-RPC protocol: This protocol allows the execution of applications on a remote computer (remote-controlled computer), whereby the transmission part of the software has this error. Computers without a firewall or with the Windows XP Internet connection firewall disabled give the worm access to this flaw and cause the computer to shut down. The worm has been circulating through all the media (TV, radio and magazines) since then and has caused a real firewall and anti-virus boom!
The creators of LoveSan have not yet been caught, but an 18-year-old student has been arrested who has since written a more dangerous variant called "Love san. Here you will find technical details, information and removal mechanisms of LoveSan!
How to remove and avoid computer viruses
1. To protect yourself from the worm, you must install the correct Microsoft patch for your operating system:
If you are using a 64-bit version of Windows XP, 2000, 2003 or NT, you must log on to the this page find the correct links! This article has been updated with the new links (September 10, 2003) to the patches against the worm. These close further holes in the RPC protocol that could have been exploited by future Blaster/Lovesan variants.
b) The following page will help you to remove the worm: Symantec Virus Removal Tools!
I recommend that you immediately protect your computer completely against intruders with anti-virus programs and firewalls. So far, the products Norton AntiVirus and Norton Personal Firewall from Symantec has always been classified as reliable, which has been confirmed in our everyday use.
You can find more information about LoveSan in this gigantic forum post: To everyone with the reboot/remote service (RPC)/authority problem!
As I was on vacation at the time of the worm infestation and on my return hundreds of pages and TV reports were already informing users, I decided not to write an article on the subject! However, since I still receive requests with the problem, I decided to create this little information page for Windows tweaks anyway and hope that I could help with the worm cure!
NOTE FOR NEW PUBLICATION: This article was produced by Sandro Villinger and comes from the Windows Tweaks archive, which has been built up since the late 1990s.

On Windows Tweaks you will find time-saving tech guides for PC, software & Microsoft. For a stress-free digital everyday life. Already we have been "tweaking" Windows since 1998 and just won't stop!