Quick overview:
The meteroite impact in the blockbuster Armaggeddon comes from the sky below and hits the Empire State Building above? Forrest Gump dangles upside down from his favorite tree with his magic shoes on?
The Windows Media Player (from version 7.0) has its problems with the well-known .avi video format, which was created using the DivX process, because videos are often displayed upside down - upside down, so to speak. You can remedy this as follows:
1. Download the program DivXG400 which you can download from following link received.
2. Start your movie and immediately afterwards DivXG400. This tool switches between the DivX codec and Windows Media Player and offers a variety of functions related to image output.
3. Now select under Force Vertical Flip the entry Flip input and all outputs are correct again!
Possible solutions to the problem without software
If this error occurs, the graphics configuration is usually responsible, which is why we recommend the following:
1. Install the latest version of the Microsoft DirectX Version.
2. Download and install the latest Via4in1 chipset driver for mainboards with the Via chipset.
3. The latest Graphics card driver could provide a remedy to the problem.
NOTE FOR NEW PUBLICATION: This article was produced by Sandro Villinger and comes from the Windows Tweaks archive, which has been built up since the late 1990s.

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