Quick overview:
Just imagine: You have found a beautiful wallpaper for your Windows desktop. After you have selected it, the overall picture is considerably disturbed by the ugly bars next to the icons:
However, with the help of a small tool, which only requires 0.2% computing power, it is possible to make the symbol fonts transparent and even in different colors. There are currently three versions:
Click on the desired version on the left to start the download. Now navigate to the folder in which the file is downloaded. You can start the file from here, but it is certainly more convenient to load this file every time you start Windows, as it consumes virtually no resources.
Click on the file with the left mouse button and hold it down. Now move the pointer to Start > Programs > Autostart while holding down the button and move it to this folder. Release the left mouse button. From now on the program will start automatically!
NOTE FOR NEW PUBLICATION: This article was produced by Sandro Villinger and comes from the Windows Tweaks archive, which has been built up since the late 1990s.
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