Quick overview:
Many users who have switched from Win9x/Millennium to Windows XP already have enough to contend with unnecessarily different functions and programs. However, many will ask themselves where ScanDisk has gone - because errors on the disk can occur again and again.
The conventional route via the start menu quickly leads to a dead end. Apart from the defragmentation program, you will not find anything here. To check the hard disk for errors and then correct them, proceed as follows:
Prepare hard disk for error analysis
1. Double click on Workplace. You will now see all the drives that your computer has. If you now right-click on the desired hard disk and select Properties a new window appears.
2. Here you click on Extras and select Check now. A new dialog appears. I recommend selecting both existing options (a checkmark should now appear in front of them) and then clicking on Ok to confirm.
Close all running programs beforehand. If anything is still accessing the hard disk, a restart will be initiated. Your hard disk will then be checked before the Windows interface appears.
NOTE FOR NEW PUBLICATION: This article was produced by Sandro Villinger and comes from the Windows Tweaks archive, which has been built up since the late 1990s.

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