Quick overview:
You have already worked in this article The user learns in detail what is behind the registration (MS GINA) and knows how to replace this data. In some cases, however, other symptoms are also noticeable: The login has been completely changed by a program (additional functions, error messages, jerky display, etc.) or the screen remains completely black or no longer appears at all. This is due to the following possibility that a third-party manufacturer has: He is able to completely replace or extend this login routine. In extreme cases, viruses, worms etc. (see this Articles for removal) and bombard you with requests to visit dubious sites, for example.
Reactivate Windows XP GINA login
If you cannot get your old Windows XP GINA login back either by uninstalling the third-party program or by removing the virus (or similar variants such as SpyWare), the following steps will help:
1. Open the Windows registry databaseby clicking on Start/Execute click and regedit enter the key. Now open the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon.
2. In the right-hand pane you will see the character string GinaDLLwhich you delete immediately.
3. After deletion, the standard login is loaded and you can continue working normally. Make sure that the malware or the program in question has been completely removed from the computer, otherwise this key will probably be recreated.
NOTE FOR NEW PUBLICATION: This article was produced by Sandro Villinger and comes from the Windows Tweaks archive, which has been built up since the late 1990s.

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