Quick overview:
There's no question that Vista looks great with its transparency effects and animations. But it gets boring in the long run: Windows-Tweaks shows you how to noticeably improve the look of Windows. We also show you how to use the standard "Aero" design with the "ClearVista" visual style. [By Sandro Villinger]
More transparency: The "ClearVista" style enhances your desktop!
The stylish start menu button is a real eye-catcher!
If you want your Vista to look like this, you need to follow these steps:
1. Download the program TuneUp Utilities 2008 in the 30-day trial version (free of charge) from this website: http://www.tuneup.de/download (one click is enough). Enter your e-mail address and click on .
2. Visit the website now http://dannocampbell.deviantart.com/art/Clear-Vista-98934991 and click on "Download" on the left to download the visual style. Save it to your desktop and then click on it with the right mouse button.
Then click on "All extractions" and "Extract All" to unpack the files in the RAR archive. Tip: To unpack this file, you need a suitable program such as "WinRAR".
3. Install TuneUp Utilities 2008 and start the program. Right at the beginning, click on "Customize Windows". Once there, start the .
4. Click on the left on . At the top click on "Add". Now select the file "Clear Vista.msstyles" by double-clicking on it. This is located in the unzipped folder "____Clear_Vista_____by_DannocampbellClear Vista".
5. The ClearVista style is now visible in the list. Select it and click on "Apply". The new style will be visible after a few seconds! Tip: Set the color intensity to "0" if you do not like the slight gray tint of the window frames. To do this, right-click on the desktop and select "Customize". In the next window, select "Window color and display".
Use the slider here and move it all the way to the left to reduce the color intensity. The window frames will then look like the screenshots above! You can find the matching background image here: https://www.windows-tweaks.info//grean_ears_by_peehs.jpg
We hope you like this visual upgrade of Windows Vista!
Sandro Villinger

On Windows Tweaks you will find time-saving tech guides for PC, software & Microsoft. For a stress-free digital everyday life. Already we have been "tweaking" Windows since 1998 and just won't stop!