Quick overview:
Aero Glass is more than just a description of the new 3D effects or animations that Microsoft has built into the new Windows Vista operating system. Windows-Tweaks introduces you to some useful features that you can use with the Aero Glass interface.
Windows Flip: Quick preview
Now press the "Windows key" and "Tab" simultaneously to view the Flip3D view. Windows Vista presents all currently visible windows in a three-dimensional row. Hold down the "Windows key" and use "Alt" to switch through the individual windows of Flip and Flip3D. With Flip3D you can also use the mouse wheel for navigation.
Flip3D: Scroll through all open windows
Windows Vista Aero Glass makes it much easier to find out what's behind a taskbar item. Simply move the mouse over an element and you get a so-called thumbnail view!
Window preview (thumbnail)
Aero Glass is not just a new look - the new graphics technologies have been put to good use by Microsoft! Although some features require some getting used to (e.g. Flip3D), you should not miss out on this advantage...
NOTE FOR NEW PUBLICATION: This article was produced by Sandro Villinger and comes from the Windows Tweaks archive, which has been built up since the late 1990s.
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