Quick overview:
Files are not displayed on the USB stick? Is there a problem with the display of the disk size? Or is the stick no longer recognized as a drive by Windows? Then you should check your USB stick for errors and repair it if necessary. Windows-Tweaks shows you how it works:
1. first transfer the USB Flash Drive Tester from Heise: http://download.cnet.com/USB-Flash-Drive-Tester/3000-2086_4-10810585.html.
2. plug in the flash drive, start the program and select the appropriate entry under "Select flash drive/card". For the most thorough test, click on "Select test type":
Start by clicking on "Start test". Every sector error, no matter how small, is then displayed. Tip: If errors are found, the stick does not have to be disposed of immediately. "chkdsk" may be able to help: Open the command line and type "chkdsk G: /f /r /b" - where G in this case stands for the drive letter of the stick!

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