Quick overview:
Small tip, big effect: I have written a small "script" for the Windows registry for you! If you run the script, a new menu will appear, which you can use to delete the so-called "temporary files" in Windows. These are data that Windows and programs use for temporary storage of data - but often forget to delete after use!
The small script works under both Windows XP and Windows Vista and deletes the two main folders for temporary files with just one click!
And this is how it works:
1. click on the following address: www.windows-tweaks.info/Downloads/Tempentfernen.zip
2. then click on "Save as..." and select the desktop, for example.
3. continue by right-clicking on "Tempentfernen.zip" and select the "Extract" entry to unpack the files. If you double-click on "Delete Temp.reg", the entry is added to the recycle bin. If you click on "Delete temp.reg_Undo.reg", the entry will be removed again!
Have fun with this little extra function,
Yours, Sandro Villinger

On Windows Tweaks you will find time-saving tech guides for PC, software & Microsoft. For a stress-free digital everyday life. Already we have been "tweaking" Windows since 1998 and just won't stop!