Quick overview:
Do you receive strange messages about defective, "illegal" or missing system files when starting Windows or while working? The "Windows File Checker" can help! [Sandro Villinger]
It checks the most important system files and is able to replace them with (separately backed up) files, thus restoring the system to a functional state.
1. click on "Start/All programs/Accessories" and with the right mouse button on "Command prompt". Select here "Run as administrator". With XP it is sufficient to simply click with the left mouse button on "Command prompt" click.
2. enter "sfc /scannow" button. After about 3-5 minutes, the check is completed and defective system files are repaired.
Many problems with Windows can be safely solved in this way.
Sandro Villinger

On Windows Tweaks you will find time-saving tech guides for PC, software & Microsoft. For a stress-free digital everyday life. Already we have been "tweaking" Windows since 1998 and just won't stop!
That sounds good. But what do I do if the "utilman.exe" and two dll files, which probably belong to it, cannot be found and cannot be restored?
The reason for this: Utilman.exe is, as far as I know, a file that hackers have used in the past to gain control of the PC. With an update and XP SP3, this file was deleted and is therefore no longer available! So it is actually quite good that it could not be restored.
I am experiencing the following problems when trying to repair the system using a CD. After entering computer repair options, it does not continue.
Error message: Path not found!
Also: Windows\systemm32\cmd.exe could not be found.
Do you know a remedy? Thanks and regards Bodo [difev@web.de]