Quick overview:
Microsoft has included the ability to create a recovery CD in the beta and RC versions of Service Pack 1. This allows you to easily repair your computer, restore restore points and play with the command line! But where is this option in the final version of SP1? [By Sandro Villinger]
The answer is: Gone! With Service Pack 1 RTM (Released to manufacturing) you can no longer create the recovery CD. This is not really a problem for owners of the original Vista DVD, as it offers the same functions. However, if you no longer have an installation DVD, for example because your manufacturer was stingy, you are left without many recovery options! In the worst case, this can be annoying. Windows-Tweaks therefore offers you the recovery CD for download in ISO form:
You must ISO file simply open it with a suitable burning program such as Nero Burning Rom or Ashampoo Burning Studio and write the data to a CD! Then leave the CD in the drive and restart your computer. You should now see the message "Press Press any key to start from CD/DVD..." appears. Now press a key. If this is not the case, you must switch to the BIOS (usually F2 or Removal at system startup) and in the corresponding boot menu (e.g. "Boat" or "Boot Sequence") to change the start sequence so that the computer starts automatically from CD/DVD first.
We hope that this article has helped you!
Yours, Sandro Villinger

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