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Windows 8.1 on tablet PCs - how to activate the shutdown button

26. May 2014
Updated: April 14, 2022
Quick overview:

Tablet with Windows 8The new Windows 8.1 with its many new functions on tablets ensures that users can also work better and better with Microsoft Office and other classic Windows programs on the move. However, the new, practical switch-off button is missing on Windows tablets - but it can be activated with a trick.

Shutdown via menu walk-through

Until now, anyone who wanted to shut down a Windows 8 tablet had to do a lot of research. The shutdown command was a few gestures and taps away from the start page, deeper in the settings or the so-called charm bar.

Although this bar can be opened quickly using a key combination (Windows key + X), many users find this solution extremely unfortunate. However, Windows 8.1 was recently updated with a clearly visible button to switch it off, although many tablet users were unfortunately too happy about this update: Microsoft apparently considers the switch-off button on touch devices to be too risky.

To prevent an accidental shutdown, the shutdown button simply remains inactive on many tablets. The good news: With the following trick, you can display the shutdown button on tablets with Windows 8.1.

To activate the shutdown button

To switch off your Windows 8.1 Tablet PC with a simple tap, proceed as follows:

  1. First enter "regedit" in the search bar and confirm with "Yes".
  2. In the next window, double-tap HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software, Microsoft, Windows and then CurrentVersion.
  3. A little further down in the window you will find "ImmersiveShell" and hold your finger on it for two seconds.
  4. In the next context menu, tap on "New" and "Key".
  5. Here you can easily rename the entry "New key #1" to "Launcher".
  6. This is then opened to rename "New value #1" to "Launcher_ShowPowerButtonOnStartScreen".
  7. In addition, the value 0 is changed to 1 before the entry is confirmed and the system is restarted.

Using the now functioning switch-off button, you can now not only switch off the hardware but also put it into energy-saving mode.

Disable shutdown button again

It is therefore not rocket science to activate the non-functioning shutdown button on tablets with Windows 8.1. If you do inadvertently cause an unplanned shutdown too often, you can simply undo the whole thing by setting the value for "Launcher_ShowPowerButtonOnStartScreen" back to 0.

However, most users will probably find the quicker shutdown much better than the previous procedure using the Windows key + X or the charm bar.

Image copyright: Thinkstock, iStock, scanrail

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