Quick overview:
When a new printer is plugged in under Windows, it should work immediately via Plug-n-Play. At least that's the theory. But in practice, even in 2013, we've learned time and again that printer installation and operation can sometimes be a problem. What to do if the printer goes on strike under Windows? We have taken a brief look at the most common problems.
What problems arise during printer installation?
There are various problems that can arise. The system you are using may not recognize or accept the drivers supplied.
However, most systems install the drivers automatically when the printer is connected. If this does not happen?
- Either you have to install the software supplied on the CD.
- If no CD was available or the drivers on the CD were too old, you must download the drivers manually from the Internet, e.g. from the manufacturer's website, and install them.
In an emergency, you can also use older drivers from older operating systems. Another problem can occur if the printer does not connect to the computer. The most common reasons for this are broken USB cables or connection problems with network printers.
If you cannot use the printer because of the software, you must either upgrade the system or look for another printer that matches the current system version. Microsoft provides a video tutorial here for the installation of a printer under Windows.
If the printer still does not establish a connection, a defect must be considered. This should then be rectified under warranty, if available.
What errors occur during printing?
Even with physical pressure with a Inkjet or laser printer errors may occur. You should therefore first make a test print after installing the printer. The computer checks the function of the printer, e.g. whether all ink nozzles are in order. You can then view the result on paper and check whether the printer is fully functional.
Sometimes it can happen that a document that you wanted to print gets "stuck" in the queue. Restarting the printer or the system will not help, as the job is permanently stored in the queue. To solve this problem, you must manually clear the printer queue in the printer properties in the Control Panel. If this does not work, you can delete the corresponding files manually in Explorer.
If you print with Windows, you need to know your way around
Small errors occur from time to time when printing and installing the printer under Windows. However, these problems are usually solved in a few minutes.
(Photo above: Mario Goldmann, Fotolia)

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