Quick overview:
The Mail app in Windows 8 is perfect for simply receiving and sending electronic mail, and although it does not offer the range of functions of professional software such as Outlook, it is ideal for on the go or beginners, better than overloaded pages from email providers such as GMX or Gmail. How to configure and use the app - a step-by-step guide.
How to set up the Mail app in three steps
1. set up the mail app
Start the Mail app (which, by the way, is one of the integrated apps from Windows 8 by clicking on the tile on the start screen. On the welcome screen, tap on the mail account that you would like to set up. If this does not appear, use the shortcut Windows + I to open the app settings. Click on "Accounts" and "Add account".
2. use Microsoft Exchange, Hotmail, Google, GMX and Co.
With the Outlook setting, you can set up both an "@outlook.com" address and a Microsoft Exchange address (for professionals and companies). Via "Hotmail" you can add not only Hotmail addresses, but also Live.com or MSN e-mail accounts. Accounts from Yahoo or Google are also supported.
If you have an account with another provider, click on "All in settings..." and then on "Other account" on the right. Always have the settings from GMX or Web.de, for example, to hand. Once set up, the inbox of your email account will open directly. The app is basically divided into three areas: On the left, you can see the accounts you have set up with the respective folders. The emails in the currently selected folder are listed in the middle, with the content of the currently selected email to the right.
3. use multiple e-mail accounts
Do you have several e-mail accounts? No problem: you can use the app to access several email accounts at the same time. You can add additional accounts in the Windows 8 settings under "Accounts". Tip: If you need more information on how to set up your email under Windows 8, you can find it on countless news portals. Editorial support received.
Writing e-mails
1. open empty e-mail
You can write a new email by clicking on the "PLUS" sign. Then enter the primary recipient and the copy recipients (Cc) in the left-hand area. Click on "Show more" to display additional fields for blind copy recipients (Bcc) and priority.
2. write a message
In the area at the top right, type in the subject and your message below it. To format the message text, select the relevant text passage. The Mail app then displays the various formatting options at the top, such as font, bold, italics, underline and text color. By clicking on "More", you can also insert bulleted lists and numbering and undo changes.
You can also insert symbols and emoticons into the message. To do this, right-click in the message and then click on "Emoticons" at the bottom right. This will open a window with a large selection of smileys and symbols in different categories. Click on one of the symbols to insert it into the selected text.
3. insert attachments and use the cloud
To add attachments to emails, right-click in the email window and click on the "Attachments" entry. Then select the file you want to send. Tip: Click on "Send with SkyDrive instead" to send the file using the SkyDrive online storage.
This transfers the file to your SkyDrive Internet storage before it is sent and sends a download link. Advantage: The email is received even if the recipient's mailbox does not accept large file attachments. In addition, such messages do not unnecessarily bloat the mailbox and can be forwarded more quickly. To send the file as an attachment after all, click on "Send with standard attachments instead".
4. last click to submit
To finally send the e-mail, click on the Send button at the top right.
Alternative e-mail clients
If you don't like the integrated Mail app, you can of course also use tried-and-tested client alternatives under Windows 8, such as Thunderbird use. Thunderbird in particular shines with its functionality. New emails can be spell-checked, for example, and security is also taken care of: advertising filters largely prevent the receipt of unwanted advertising emails (spam), and a phishing filter protects against emails used by fraudsters to steal private and sensitive data. In addition, outgoing messages can be encrypted if desired. As with the Firefox browser, which is also developed by Mozilla, there are also many add-ons for Thunderbird that can be used to extend the program's functionality.

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