Quick overview:
The Windows key opens various functions or programs, such as Windows Help, in conjunction with other keys. If you accidentally press it from time to time and this bothers you, you can also switch it off completely:
1. Click in succession on Start/Execute and enter in the command line regedit on. The editor for editing the Windows registration appears.
2. Make your way through the keys HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\W indows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer. In the right-hand pane, right-click on a free space. A context menu appears in which you can select New/DWORD Value decide.
3. You give this self-created value the name NoWinKeys. Double-click on it and enter a 1 inside. After a restart, the buttons simply no longer respond.
NOTE FOR NEW PUBLICATION: This article was produced by Sandro Villinger and comes from the Windows Tweaks archive, which has been built up since the late 1990s.

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