Quick overview:
Many Windows 8 users find the tile operation without a touchscreen unfavorableeven if the reintroduction of the start button in Windows 8.1 has been somewhat scaled back. Microsoft still has to put up with a lot of criticism because of the "Metro" interface in tile design. Be that as it may: Not only power users should know a few keyboard shortcuts to be able to use the current Windows faster.
Windows 8 without Windows key does not work
The Windows key is a central control element. When pressed briefly, you can use it to switch between the currently open application and the start screen.
If you do not have a keyboard with corresponding hotkeys, you can use Windows + E also open Internet Explorer.
With Windows + D to return to the desktop.
Some Windows 8 key combinations have even been extended in their scope: even in the last edition of the operating system, you could use Windows + X access some system settings. Under Win 8.1, however, a context menu opens, which also allows the computer to be shut down, thus saving the user some detours via the menu.
Quick and easy sharing
To start an application or app, simply enter the name. With Windows + Q you open a search window and can start typing immediately without having to use the mouse.
Another useful feature is the ability to lock a PC with Windows 8 key combinations in an unfamiliar environment or at the workplace. Windows + L possible without further detours.
Handling windows of a running application is also possible with shortcuts: Combine the Windows key + up arrow keythe window is maximized; Windows + down arrow key minimizes the view.
If you have ever connected a laptop to a projector for a presentation, you can use Windows + P to directly open the options for a second screen.
And if you ever want to show a photo or screenshot to friends, you can use the Share menu in the Charm bar with Windows + H open.
Keyboard shortcuts under Win 8: High productivity with quick access
Of course, you can reach every menu and all settings in an operating system with the mouse - but it can't hurt to know a few Windows 8 shortcuts. This can often save you detours and make using Windows even smoother.
If you also use the required shortcuts in practice, you will quickly notice how productivity increases. This is especially true if you do not access certain menus very often and have to search for a long time using the mouse.
By the way: Even if Microsoft changes the operating concept again in future versions, the functions of the key combinations you have learned are usually retained, which saves you having to get used to them.
Article image above: knipsit - Fotolia

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