Quick overview:
Are you missing a drive that has suddenly disappeared and was still working perfectly before Service Pack 2? The following tip will certainly help:
Reactivating DVD/CD-ROM drives under Windwos XP
1. press the F8 key directly in front of the Windows XP start logo during startup and select Safe Mode.
2. now right-click on My Computer (see Start menu) and select Properties. Switch to Hardware and open the Device Manager. Now expand DVD/CD-ROM drives or drives (hard disks), right-click on the problematic entry and select Uninstall. After a restart (in conventional mode), the drives will mount themselves again automatically.
We hope that we could help you and that your drives will work with Service Pack 2!
NOTE FOR NEW PUBLICATION: This article was produced by Sandro Villinger and comes from the Windows Tweaks archive, which has been built up since the late 1990s.

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