Quick overview:
The hard disk is probably the most sensitive component of a computer system. Shocks, temperature fluctuations, humidity - these are all factors that put the hard disk at risk. If it makes strange noises or if there are inexplicable system crashes, the alarm bells should ring. Even better: check the health status of the hard disk regularly. This way you can be sure that your data will not be lost. After all, it would be a shame to lose the personal photos, music, videos or documents on your hard disk.
SMART sensors protect hard disks
Modern hard disks are equipped with SMART sensors that independently monitor the health of the hard disk. Corresponding hardware in the test can be found online on various specialist portals. SMART stands for "Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology". Monitoring is carried out via special firmware or the system's BIOS. Since Windows 95, the Microsoft operating system can also access the data. A possible defect can be detected at an early stage with these sensors. Then you still have enough time to back up your own data.
HDTune checks the condition of your hard disk
If you want to take an active look at the health of your hard disk, there is a wide range of free and paid tools to choose from. One of these is "HDTune". This program provides a good overview of the status of the installed disks. The software can be downloaded free of charge at http://hdtune.com/ can be downloaded. Once you have installed and started the tool, you will see four tabs. Under "Benchmark" you can measure the performance of the previously selected hard disk. To do this, simply click on "Start". After a desired time, you can click on "Stop" and analyze the performance curve. The "Info" tab shows extensive information about the selected hard disk, including the available partitions, the supported features and the serial number. To check the health status of the hard disk, switch to "Health". Here you will find all available SMART values. If the status "OK" is displayed, everything is OK. In the line at the bottom, you can see at a glance whether all values match - a green "OK" should be displayed after each one. If one of the values does not match, it will be highlighted in yellow or red. You will also find the current temperature value next to the hard disk selection at the top right. The temperature should never exceed 55 °C.
Complete analysis or "Quick Scan"
A detailed analysis of the hard disk can be started under "Error Scan" by clicking on "Start". This analysis can take some time, but shows the damaged blocks of the hard disk in great detail. In addition to the visual representation, you will also find the proportion of damaged data blocks. Ideally, no data blocks should appear here. If this is nevertheless the case, the hard disk data should be backed up as quickly as possible and the behaviour of the hard disk should be monitored closely. Regular checks are then all the more important to prevent data loss. If you do not have enough time for the "Error Scan", you can use the "Quick Scan" option to perform a somewhat less thorough but faster hard disk check.
Article image: Screenshot from HDTune

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