Quick overview:
While working with Windows, you may be interrupted by an error message stating that the swap file is either too small or does not exist, even though you have made the swap file large and it is actually there. The remedy in this case is to intervene in the registry.
1. First click on Start and then go to Execute. A small command line appears in which you can enter the word regedit and click on OK confirm.
2. You will now see the Windows registry in front of you, which you can browse through like your hard disk. Now navigate one after the other to HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE\ SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management and double-click in the right-hand pane on PagingFiles.
3. You will now see a text in the pop-up window that appears, e.g. C:\pagefile.sys 384 768. Now increase the value so that at the end the line C:\pagefile.sys 512 1024 reads. This should be sufficient in any case. If the message still appears, you can also go up step by step.
4. After they have been OK confirmed, Regedit and restarted Windows, this message is a thing of the past.
Error message via Swap file Part II
If the above solution does not work, I have another way to effectively eliminate this inconvenience.
1. Go through the first 2 steps from above and search in the right-hand pane only for a value called TempPageFile.
2. If it exists, you must now select and delete it.
After a restart, the message has finally disappeared from the screen.
NOTE FOR NEW PUBLICATION: This article was produced by Sandro Villinger and comes from the Windows Tweaks archive, which has been built up since the late 1990s.

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