Quick overview:
How to install printers on Windows 8? Manage them? Print with apps? Our step-by-step instructions show you: It's easy - thanks to sleaner and faster printer driver. Microsoft is finally making printing more convenient. Which makes sense because it reaches so many users. Everyone prints and almost everyone connects a printer to their Windows PC at some point. This is how we print now.
For Windows 8 Microsoft introduced a new driver architecturewhich enables smaller and faster printer drivers. Of course, this also benefits PC users. Whereas Windows Vista previously required 768 MB of memory to support printers and image processing devices, Windows 8 now only occupies 184 MB.
And these 184 MB support about 80 percent of all printers.
Instruction 1: How to install a printer
Would you like to install a new printer under Windows 8? It is usually enough to connect it and wait for the automatic driver installation.
If the driver installation does not work automatically, proceed as follows:
- Open the Charms bar and select "Settings/Change PC settings".
- Then click on "Devices" in the left-hand area.
- Click on "Add device" to install the newly connected printer.
Some manufacturers, such as Epson, offer apps for their printers. These are free of charge - and in the future, free app developers will certainly make more and more printer software available in the Windows Store. Just like Printer accessory suppliers like HQ-Patronen that offer printer hardware for sale.
Instruction 2: How to print from an app
Something has changed not only under the Windows hood, but also in printing itself.
People used to print from programs. Today, Internet Explorer, Reader or Office are simply called apps. So if you want to print from apps, you use the Windows Charms bar:
First press [Win]+[C] in the app,
- then click on "Devices".
- Now select the previously installed printer.
- You will then see a print preview and the option to specify further options.
- One more click on "Print" - and the printing process starts.
Instruction 3: How to manage existing printers
To manage printers that have already been installed, proceed as follows:
- First switch to the Control Panel by first pressing [Win]+[C] and then selecting "Settings/Control Panel".
- Under "Hardware and sound", click on "Devices and printers". All currently installed printers can then be found here.
- Click on the desired device to open - if available - the individual printer page with various options and detailed information.
(Screenshots: windows-tweaks.info)

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