Quick overview:
If you have searched for or opened files or folders in Windows, these are indexed and loaded into the working memory so that they can be found more quickly during a further search.
Click on Start and open the option Search/for files and foldersNow enter the following in the empty line:
If you search for this now, it will take a long time until all bitmap files have been found. Close the window and repeat the search. It will now be much faster. However, the speed of the computer suffers here, as this indexing takes up memory, so I recommend switching this feature off. Unfortunately this only works with NTFS-hard disks. To determine whether your hard disk is working with the NTFS file system, the Workplace click on your drive with the right mouse button and Properties select. The point File system provides information. If here FAT the trick is ineffective because FAT does not support this feature. And this is how it works:
1. Click on Workplacethen click with the right mouse button on the desired drive and select Properties. Remove the tick in front of Index drives for quick file searches and confirm them with Ok.
In the next selection dialog, decide on changes for C:, Apply subfolders and files.
2. This process now takes between a few seconds and several minutes, depending on the number of files. As soon as the window disappears, you are rid of the resource-consuming indexing function.
NOTE FOR NEW PUBLICATION: This article was produced by Sandro Villinger and comes from the Windows Tweaks archive, which has been built up since the late 1990s.

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