Quick overview:
The system startup of Windows 2000 is often interrupted by messages stating that a hard disk check must take place. Unfortunately, such messages are often superfluous, which is why you can switch them off without hesitation.
1. Click in succession on Start/Execute and type in the command line regedit in.
2. Navigate to the registry keys HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows and right-click in the right pane.
3. Select New/DWORD value from the context menu that pops up and name it NoPopUpsOnBoot. Double-click on it and enter a 1. After a restart, you will finally be rid of the annoying messages.
NOTE FOR NEW PUBLICATION: This article was produced by Sandro Villinger and comes from the Windows Tweaks archive, which has been built up since the late 1990s.

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