Quick overview:
The life of an operating system is usually long and marked by many hardships. Over time and after working with Windows for a long time, you will notice that it becomes increasingly slower, sluggish and unstable. It no longer boots up as quickly and pauses inexplicably here and there. Windows Tweaks will tell you soon enough how you can effectively prevent this so that you can enjoy your PC for a long time to come.
Rule no.1 - Do not install unnecessary programs
On the Internet or on magazine CDs, you will often find mini programs that make your life easier at first glance, but which you hardly need and have little use for. The more of these programs you install, the more your Windows Registration on. Due to its size, this Windows core central is hardly ever more difficult for the operating system to manage and it also requires more space due to the many entries of the so-called freeware programs. Working memory. The result: Windows reacts more slowly and often with instabilities.
A tidy registry is the key to stability and speed
I therefore recommend that you avoid installing unnecessary software and don't install everything that comes along. Keep your system clean, clear and fast!
You're probably wondering why you can't simply delete the programs and that would be the end of the matter. Wrongly thought: Despite successful uninstallation, the applications leave behind remnants that even experienced users fail to remove.
Recommendation: If you do need one or two freeware programs, it is advisable to use a so-called registry cleaner after deleting, which deletes all entries from the Windows registry database that are no longer required. I recommend the program RegCleaner, which comes directly from Microsoft. Unfortunately, the software company from Redmond no longer supports the program, which is why you have to resort to downloads from CHIP. Get the RegCleaner here!
The program is very easy to use and run, which is why I won't give you any tips, as they would be unnecessary!
Rule No. 2 - Constantly defragment and check the hard disk
A hard disk needs to be tidied up so that it runs at its optimum speed. Program installations and deletions result in many data fragments that are gradually scattered across the hard disk. The read and write head of the Hard disk has to carry out unnecessary operations, which costs time and nerves. Defragmentation eliminates this loss of speed and ensures fast and efficient work.
Defragmentation ensures optimum hard disk speed
A lot of copying, moving and deleting of data can also cause disk errors, which can be very serious. Suddenly switching off the computer also causes such errors, which you should definitely correct with the ScanDisk program. Windows will continue to save data on these faulty parts of the hard disk, which can of course lead to data loss.
Give Windows a leg up: Run defragmentation and ScanDisk
Rule no.3 - Perfect Windows 2000 completely with system tuning
The good last rule is that you should not use any Tuning tips tweaks to Windows 2000 and thus accelerate their system far beyond its limits - in a way that Microsoft never originally intended.
NOTE FOR NEW PUBLICATION: This article was produced by Sandro Villinger and comes from the Windows Tweaks archive, which has been built up since the late 1990s.

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