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Windows Me - The mouse lags behind when playing games

November 25, 2013
Updated: April 14, 2022
Quick overview:

If you are a passionate gamer, you will have noticed that in some games the image synchronization does not run correctly. For example, when you move the mouse, the action of the character is delayed by approx. 1 second, which makes the game less enjoyable. The option Vertical synchronization responsible. To switch this off, you must deactivate it in the respective game. It is usually called V-Sync or Vertical Sync. and should be From or to Off stand.

If this does not work, there is still the option of deactivating the option in the properties of your graphics card driver. To do this, right-click on an empty area of the desktop and select Properties. Now click one after the other on Settings > Extended and select the entry for your graphics card. As there are two game interfaces (namely Direct3D and OpenGL), you must select the Vertical synchronization switch off for both.

However, if you are in possession of a graphics card from the GeForce family and have the option in the OpenGL but not in the Direct3D properties, you must proceed as follows to make it visible.

1. Make sure that you have a Nvidia Detonator have installed. Now click one after the other on Start > Execute and type regedit button. An explorer-like program appears for editing the Windows registry.


2. Navigate to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\NVTweak and right-click in the right-hand pane. Now select New > DWORD value and call it CoolBits.


It can also happen that the NVTweak key is not available on some systems, but this is not a problem because you can create it yourself as follows: Select the previous key Global and click on it with the right mouse button. Select New/Key and name it NVTweak. Now you just have to mark it so that you can see its content, which is still empty.

3. Double-click on your self-made value and type instead of the 0 one 3 in.

4. Now right-click on the desktop and select Properties. In the window that appears, switch immediately to Settings. Here you decide for Further options.

5. Select the entry for your graphics card, e.g. GeForce 3 Ti 200 from.

6. Click now on Further properties > Direct3D settings > Further Direct3D options and present them to the Vertical synchronization mode on From and the maximum renderer to 1.

Now their games no longer lag.

NOTE FOR NEW PUBLICATION: This article was produced by Sandro Villinger and comes from the Windows tweaks archive, which has been built up since the late 1990s.

Founded Windows Tweaks as a teenager in the 90s. His helpful PC tricks made it Germany's most visited Windows site (at the time Sandro looked like this). He then went on to write elsewhere, for example for PC-Praxis, Computer Bild and PCWorld in the USA. Microsoft also poached him from us. Now Sandro is back, finally sharing his tweaks here again. For a stress-free digital everyday life. You can reach Sandro via e-mail.

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