Quick overview:
Is your PC waking up from standby at night? Windows Media Center is probably to blame. Windows-Tweaks has the solution.
Media Center tasks wake up PCs
When Microsoft's home cinema program "Windows Media Center" is started for the first time, a task is added to the task list. It ensures that Windows wakes up the PC at regular intervals and checks for updates for WMC - this can also happen at night! You can stop this annoying error with the following steps: Click on the Start button and type in "Task Scheduler". Press Enter. Now expand "Task scheduling libraryMicrosoftWindowsMedia Center". Now double-click on "mcupdate_scheduled" and then click on "Conditions".
Remove the tick in front of "Reactivate computer to perform the task". Confirm with "OK"!
Tip: When you click on "Task planning (local)" can be found under "Active tasks" a list of all tasks that start either in a certain situation or at a certain time. If your PC or laptop wakes up as if by magic despite our tips, one of these tasks is to blame.

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Thanks for the tip! I wouldn't have been able to solve the problem on my own!